Important Changes to Water Lines/House Connections/New-Repair
Town of Bengough
Title: Water Lines/House Connections/New-Repair
EFFECTIVE DATE: March 1, 2022
This policy aims to provide a clear understanding of where responsibility lies in situations regarding water installation and repair.
New Installation:
For any new water installation, the following conditions apply:
- Residential water lines may not be any larger than 3/4″ (19mm) unless approved by Council.
- For a new water connection, the property owner is to pay all costs of installing the line including material, pavement and curb repairs to the main. Note: all work must be completed by Town approved contractors (i.e., certified plumbers, etc)
- The property owner will be charged for all supplies provided by the Town.
- The connection to the main is to be supervised by the Public Works Employee.
- That all contractors and/or residents must obtain a permit to excavate any portion of the municipal property (ie boulevard or street) prior to the commencement of any work and further line locates must be completed by the contractor prior to the start of any excavation.
- If the water line has to be repaired or replaced, the property owner shall be responsible for 100% of the costs up to the main.
- The property owner shall hire a Town approved contractor to complete the work. The Public Works Employee will inspect the line before the trench is backfilled to ensure the work meets Town specifications.
- Replacement or repair of curb stops shall be done by the Town at no cost to the property owner.
- Water breaks will be repaired as soon as possible after line locates are complete. People, who are affected by the break, will be notified at least one hour prior to the water being shut off if possible. In cases where the break is bad, it may be necessary to shut the water off without notification.
- That all contractors and/or residents must obtain a permit to excavate any portion of the municipal property (i.e., boulevard or street) prior to the commencement of any work and further line locates must be completed by the contractor prior to the start of any excavation.
- That one of the Public Works staff familiar with compaction stay on site to supervise any back filling on Town streets where compaction is required.